Calmira windows 10
Calmira windows 10

  1. Calmira windows 10 install#
  2. Calmira windows 10 Patch#

Note that the vast majority of Windows 3 programs will work fine under Windows 98, so you might find it simpler to use that instead, as explained in Ross’ answer.

Calmira windows 10 install#

In situations where you don’t need FAT32, Windows 98 also supports dual-booting with MS-DOS 6 in the same partition, as long as you install the latter first, and choose the option to back up your previous operating system during the Windows 98 installation. The CONFIG.SYS menu system is still available under Windows 98, so you can use that to build your boot menu. Windows 98 also no longer supports SHARE.EXE, but its DOS kernel is apparently incompatible with Windows 3’s VSHARE.386, so programs which need the corresponding features will fail to run. 32-bit disk access will only work if you use Windows 3’s version of IFSHLP.SYS. Windows 3 also doesn’t support long file names you can however use DOSLFN and Calmira LFN to get some level of support for long file names. Some third-party installers will refuse to install on disks where the available space is “too large”.

calmira windows 10

Windows 3.11 doesn’t support FAT32 directly, so some of its features won’t be enabled (32-bit file access in Windows for Workgroups 3.11 for example), and it can produce confusing results with large partitions.

Calmira windows 10 Patch#

After installation, you should also patch WIN386.EXE (see the previous link) to avoid issues after exiting Windows. Once that’s done, Windows 3’s SETUP will work choose “user defined setup” so that you can specify what directory to use, and make sure you don’t let the installation program make any changes to CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT.

calmira windows 10

Before you can, you’ll need to patch IO.SYS using Ralf Buschmann’s Win3xStart program (in osr2fix.exe). You can install Windows 3.11 in a different directory than Windows 98.

calmira windows 10

This will disable the automatic GUI startup, and the computer will boot to a COMMAND.COM prompt. The first part isn’t too difficult: install Windows 98 as usual, then edit MSDOS.SYS to change its BootGUI setting to 0.

Calmira windows 10